1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data
How do you find the Angular Momentum, J, if you are given the Angular Velocity, ω of a Kerr Black Hole.
2. Relevant equations
J = I*ω
##I = mass*r^2##
Event Horizon:
##r_+ = M + (M^2 − (J/mass)^2)^{1/2}##
Static Limit and the Ergosphere:
##r_0 = M + (M^2 − (J/mass)^2*cos^2θ)^{1/2}##
3. The attempt at a solution
Unsure where the Moment of Inertial mass radius is.
The Black Hole is not visible to the naked eye.
Is it the mass and radius of the observer or is it the mass and radius of the Black Hole itself that the Event Horizon, Static Limit and all the orbiting Stars, planets,etc. are based on.
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data
How do you find the Angular Momentum, J, if you are given the Angular Velocity, ω of a Kerr Black Hole.
2. Relevant equations
J = I*ω
##I = mass*r^2##
Event Horizon:
##r_+ = M + (M^2 − (J/mass)^2)^{1/2}##
Static Limit and the Ergosphere:
##r_0 = M + (M^2 − (J/mass)^2*cos^2θ)^{1/2}##
3. The attempt at a solution
Unsure where the Moment of Inertial mass radius is.
The Black Hole is not visible to the naked eye.
Is it the mass and radius of the observer or is it the mass and radius of the Black Hole itself that the Event Horizon, Static Limit and all the orbiting Stars, planets,etc. are based on.
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data
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