"Precalculus Mathematics in a Nutshell" + "Spivak's Calculus"?

vendredi 28 février 2014

Hey, I'm currently a senior in HS attending Elementary Calculus with a decent grade (B+).

I recently had an epiphany that I haven't actually learned anything, I've just temporarily memorized how to derive the answer from the set of information given. That fact disturbs me for whatever reason, seeing as how whatever future career path I choose will be heavily mathematics-based.

Though I skipped Pre-Calc and all that it entails yet somehow am passing Calc easily, I'm wondering if "Precalculus Mathematics in a Nutshell" will suffice in nailing down and/or covering all of the high school math I've learned and will completely prepare me for Calculus? It has amazing reviews. If so, I'd like to move onto Spivak's Calculus right after.

Is this a solid attack plan? Or do you not recommend one of these books?

If you don't recommend one, please provide alternatives. I simply like the simplicity of this plan.

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