Random Thoughts part 4

samedi 6 juin 2015

Time to split the thread again.

Here is the link to the old thread. http://ift.tt/1z0karx

Random Thoughts part 4

Random Thoughts part 4

Japan Earthquake: nuclear plants part 2

Torsion pendulum in Cavendish experiment

lundi 20 avril 2015

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data
In the Cavendish experiment, the two small balls have mass m each and are connected by a light rigid rod with length L. The two large balls have mass M each and are separated by the same distance L. The torsion constant of the...

Torsion pendulum in Cavendish experiment

Torsion pendulum in Cavendish experiment

Algebra 2 and Trig textbooks

Hey PF, as my thread a week or two ago said I am currently planning on taking a college Calc and Analytic Geometry class with formal education only up to Geometry. I am very proficient in Geometry, good in algebra 1, have some experience in Trig and a little in Algebra 2. For this reason I was...

Algebra 2 and Trig textbooks

Algebra 2 and Trig textbooks

Continuity at a point implies continuity in the neighborhood

dimanche 19 avril 2015

I claim that if a function ##f:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}## is continuous at a point ##a##, then there exists a ##\delta>0## and ##|h|<\frac{\delta}{2}## such that ##f## is also continuous in the ##h##-neighbourhood of ##a##.

Please advice if my proof as follows is correct.

Continuity at...

Continuity at a point implies continuity in the neighborhood

Continuity at a point implies continuity in the neighborhood

Is there any scope for an Electronics and Telecom Engineer?

I am from Electronics and Telecom Engineer.Most of us get placement in software industry which is not our core field. My straight forward question is there any scope for an Electronics and Telecom Engineer?

If yes,what are the options or career path so that I can remain stick to My core branch...

Is there any scope for an Electronics and Telecom Engineer?

Is there any scope for an Electronics and Telecom Engineer?

Problems with Capitalism?