Set Notation/Theory help

vendredi 28 février 2014

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

Three tests are available to identify six different substances.

Test 1 is true in the presence of substance 1,2,3, and 4

Test 2 is true in the presence of substance 3,4, and 5

Test 3 is true in the presence of substance 2,5, and 6

Using set notation to denote the events that a substance under test is

a) substance 1

b) substance 2

c) substance 6

2. Relevant equations

Let [itex]E_{i}[/itex] denote the event that the i'th test is positive, [itex]i= 1, 2, 3[/itex]

3. The attempt at a solution

How do I properly represent the answers in set notation?

Currently here are my attempts at a,b, and c.

a) [itex] S_{1} = E_{1}[/itex] [itex]\cap[/itex] [itex]E_{2}^{'}[/itex] [itex]\cap[/itex][itex]E_{3}^{'}[/itex]

b) [itex] S_{2}[/itex] cannot be identified

c) [itex] S_{6} = E_{3}[/itex] [itex]\cap[/itex] [itex]E_{2}^{'}[/itex] [itex]\cap[/itex][itex]E_{1}^{'}[/itex]

Is this how you correctly write the answer in set notation?

Also with b) I am also unsure of my answer. Would it be correct to say that E1 is true AND not S6?

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