Motion in Two or Three Dimension : Projectile motion

mercredi 26 février 2014

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

A projectile is launched at a 60° angle above the horizontal on level ground. The change in its velocity between launch and just before landing is found to be Δv = vlanding _ vlaunch = -20 y^ m/s .

What is the initial velocity of the Projectile ?

What is its final velocity just before landing ?

2. Relevant equations

Δv = vlanding _ vlaunch = -20 y^

m/s .

3.The attempt at a solution

I considered :

Vox + Vfx = 0 and Voy + Vfy = -20

knowing that V²fy - V²oy= -2g (Yf-Yo) But I couldn't go further

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

2. Relevant equations

3. The attempt at a solution

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