1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data
Let X1, X2,.....,Xn be scalars. Calculate det(A) where
A= nxn matrix with [ x1+1 x1+2......x1+n
x2+1 x2+2......x2+n
.... .... .....
xn+1 xn+2......xn+n]
2. Relevant equations
det(A) = (aij)(-1)^(i+j)det(aij)
3. The attempt at a solution
I have no clue how to even begin solving this problem I tried using above formula to no avail.
Please help!
Let X1, X2,.....,Xn be scalars. Calculate det(A) where
A= nxn matrix with [ x1+1 x1+2......x1+n
x2+1 x2+2......x2+n
.... .... .....
xn+1 xn+2......xn+n]
2. Relevant equations
det(A) = (aij)(-1)^(i+j)det(aij)
3. The attempt at a solution
I have no clue how to even begin solving this problem I tried using above formula to no avail.
Please help!
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