Izod Impact test Cross Sectional Area HELP PLEASE

mercredi 26 février 2014

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

Ok, so in a lab I was preforming Izod impact tests on notched polymer specimens.

To complete my calculations I need to determine the correct cross-sectional area to use (Which is baffling me as the simple things usually do)

The sample was loaded with the notch facing the direction of the pendulum.

2. Relevant equations

Width 12.97mm

Thickness 5.87mm

Length 62.61mm

And the Notch is 2mm deep at an angle of 45°

3. The attempt at a solution

So I haven't got far with my attempts at the problem because I'm liteally clueless at where to begin and how the notch will effect the cross sectional area. Any help or tips will be greatly appreciated!

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