Diff.Eq. Seperation of variables.

mardi 25 février 2014

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

Solve the given differential equation subject to the indicated initial condition.

(e^-y + 1)sinxdx=(1+cosx)d, y(0)=0

2. Relevant equations

Basically we have to use seperation of varaibles to solve before using initial value condition.

3. The attempt at a solution

After separation of variables

Dy/(e^-y +1) = sinx dx/(1+cosx)

take the integral of both sides

∫Dy/(e^-y +1)=ln|e^-y+1|+y

∫sinx dx/(1+cosx)= -ln(1+cosx)+c

Clean it up a bit

ln|e^-y+1|+y= -ln(1+cosx)+c

I have no idea what to do now with the y(0)=0

That means plus in x=0 for the equation correct?

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