Want to go to eng grad school, will a bad lab grade affect this?

jeudi 31 octobre 2013

I am currently a senior at a no name liberal arts college studying math and physics. I am unsure about want I want to do in the future, but I am considering engineering for graduate school in the far future. Field yet to be determined.

Last year I took an advance physics lab course and absolutely bombed the class because I bit off more than I could chew in terms of all the classes I was taking. I ended up with a C for a final grade :(*

I don't really want to take the class again because I really didn't like it. Next semester is the last chance I have to retake it in hopes of getting a better grade. My question is, is it worth retaking? Will engineering graduate schools really care that *I bombed one class if I did well in all my other classes? Will I still have a good shot at getting into the top 75 engineering grad programs with this one C?*I'd prefer not to take the class again, especially final semester of senior year, because it's a lot of work.*

Just to give you some background, I've gotten A's and A-'s in all of my other physics classes. Similar with math (except 1B and 1 B-). My GPA is 3.72.

via Physics Forums RSS Feed http://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=720120&goto=newpost

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