simple question about basic function

mardi 30 juillet 2013

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

If x2[t]= x1[t-2]

and x3[t]=x2[2t]

What is x3[t] in terms of x1[t]?

a) x3[t]= x1[2(t-2)]

b) x3[t]= x1[2t-2]

2. Relevant equations

which one?

3. The attempt at a solution

offcourse, but I am struggling with this concept of shifting. But I believe the answer should be A. since x3[t] is the compression version of x2[t], which is the shift version of x1[t].

So the overall transformation would be x3[2(t-2)], which is not correct.

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