Symetric Triple Quad Formula

samedi 28 juin 2014

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

So I am trying to make the triple quad formula: (Q1+Q2-Q3)2 = 4Q1Q2

into the symetric version: (Q1+Q2+Q3)2 = 2(Q12 + Q22 + Q32)

2. Relevant equations

(Q1+Q2-Q3)2 = 4Q1Q2

(Q1+Q2+Q3)2 = 2(Q12 + Q22 + Q32)

3. The attempt at a solution

I get the equation into the form: Q12+Q22+Q32 = 2(Q1Q2+Q1Q3+Q2Q3)

Then any substitutions I do I go back in circles. I attempted to square both sides but no cigar.

Any advice would be appreciated

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