I want to continue learning physics and math.

lundi 30 juin 2014


I want to relearn and continue learning physics and math. I went to university studying physics for a few years but I never graduated. It's been three years and now I want to continue learning physics as a hobby. Right now I'm reading the Feynman lecture on physics but after that I'd like to jump back into proper textbook. I still have my old ones from university.

First I'd go over the differential and integral calculus from Calculus by Stewart.

Then An Introduction to Mechanics by Kleppner & Kolenkow. How's the second edition? Does anyone have it?

Multivariable calculus and vector analysis parts from Calculus by Stewart.

Classical Electromagnetism by Good, is there a good suggestion for a substitute here? I heard a lot of good things about Griffiths.

Linear Algebra by Strang.

Vibrations and Waves by French.

Relativité et Invariance by Pérez. Maybe a suggestion for an English textbook to get used to the English terms.

Mechanics by Symon. I found this book in a pawn shop and bought it. I never really used it but I'm looking forward to, the problems look challenging.

Quantum Physics by Eisberg and Resnick.

Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics by Reif.

Here are the subjects that I never had a chance to learn: Differential Equations, Mathematical Physics, Complex Analysis, Functional Analysis, Differential Geometry, Optics, Solid State Physics, Quantum Mechanics and Nuclear Physics. I'd like recommendation for textbooks for these subjects and a good order to learn them. And any suggestions and comments are welcomed.


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