Measurement uncertainty

vendredi 27 juin 2014

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

Hey guys! I'm new here, so firstly- hello!

I've a exercise to from Metrology.

Evaluate measurement uncertainty for the following measurement:

1. Measurement quantity: length of a bar L = 500 mm

2. Material of the measuring object: steel

3. Temperature range in the measuring room: 14 to 26 °C

4. Measurement instrument: Micrometer; digital (resolution 0,001 mm)

- Uncertainty of calibration: U = 2 µ m + 4 × 10-6 × L

5. Temperature difference between the measurement object and the measurement instrument: T = 2 °C

2. Relevant equations

I'm not sure which are good, this is why I'm writing here.

3. The attempt at a solution

I have problem because I'm now on exchange, and this is my first time with Metrology. I didn't had any lectures, practice and etc. In internet I found a lot of things about that, but with another excercise I don't know how to use this data. I'm waiting for any help!

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