Gravitation acceleration

samedi 28 juin 2014

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

A mass m=100[kg] is released from stand still at point A which is in a distance of 1E7[m] from the face of a planet.

The planet's radius is also 1E7[m] and the free fall acceleration on it's face is 10[m/s2.

What is the acceleration at point A

2. Relevant equations

The acceleration: ##g=\frac{GM}{r^2}##

3. The attempt at a solution

First i find the mass:

$$10=\frac{6.7E-11\cdot M}{1E7^2}\Rightarrow M=1.49E18$$

$$g=\frac{6.7E-11\cdot 1.49E18}{2E7^2}=250E-9$$

Obviously this is wrong, the answer should be g=2.5

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