Why do wet clothes look darker?

samedi 30 novembre 2013

When we pour some water on our clothes the wet parts look darker than the dry ones! what is the logical reason for that?

First of all I should say this may seem too easy but it should have a detailed explanation because it is a valid question that was given for a professional competition.

I think it is because of the refraction but if we suppose so and consider the waterdrops like a sphere then we will see that there will be some decomposition of light and we will have all the visible lights but because there isn't enough water drops and most of the lights reflacted are caught by the molecules of the cloth we cant see them. (the refraction is like the refraction which happens in the raindrops when creating a rainbow) (but I somehow feel like something is not right with this explanation)

and it may also relate to the light polarisation which I couldn't find an explanation for it.

and we can say that because the light will be stucked in a place which was significantly smaller that the place it was, the light is pressed and its frequency will increase and the wavelength will decrease (but in that case it should become closer to blue not black!!)

the last reason maybe because the water will get the energy of the energy of the light so it becomes warmer but I couldn't explain it in details.

[and I have seen the related discussions but they were about the surface not clothes I think there is a little difference between the surfaces that can't absorb water (like a road) and the surfaces that can (like clothes)]

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