I have a little question, holistic yes, but possibly interesting

lundi 30 septembre 2013

I say holistic because it concerns entropy, thermodynamics.

NB. I do not suggest extensive knowledge of thermodynamics but I am learning.

To the question!!!

The universe is expanding and thus can be considered boundless. (I know I have made assumptions but they are based on a lack of evidence to refute, however I am aware that this could easily be due to insufficient research)

The resultant rate of expansion is increasing.

Thus the entropy of the universe will increase indefinitely.

If I am wrong so far, feel free to KO this thread.

I have issues with the conclusion reached above

1.The more entropy a system has the colder it is.

2.There is a limit to how cold something can be.

3. That which has a temperature approaching infinty is perfectly ordered or is approaching perfect order.

I will elaborate

Number one would by extension, suggest that a boundless system may become infinitely cold or approach such a state of existence, number two refutes this, however both one and two can be correct based on what was stated about the expansion of the universe.

Number three suggests that the total enthalpy of every system in the universe is infinite, as this would have been necessary for the universe to have initially been perfectly ordered.

Please explain and ease my confusion.

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