1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data
when a stone is thrown to position O (in a pond), a wave is generated and the wave eventually spread out form the center, my question is will the amplitude of particle of A, B and C change?
the wave intensity is I=
0.5m(w^2)(a^2)s^-1/ 2 pi r
so i have i got I is directly propotional to (a^2)/ r
as the r change , a change as well , but I change as well .
can i say that the a and r are not changed in the same ratio from position A to C ?
so this cause the intensity of A , B and C to change?
2. Relevant equations
3. The attempt at a solution
when a stone is thrown to position O (in a pond), a wave is generated and the wave eventually spread out form the center, my question is will the amplitude of particle of A, B and C change?
the wave intensity is I=
0.5m(w^2)(a^2)s^-1/ 2 pi r
so i have i got I is directly propotional to (a^2)/ r
as the r change , a change as well , but I change as well .
can i say that the a and r are not changed in the same ratio from position A to C ?
so this cause the intensity of A , B and C to change?
2. Relevant equations
3. The attempt at a solution
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