An idea for a website

mardi 29 juillet 2014

I spend a lot of time on the internet. During that time I've noticed that some of my fellow internet dwellers seem to like to spend their time trying to spread a number of... shell we say ill advised ideas. I would be nice if the various pieces of misinformation that are spread on the internet could all be countered by people who are knowledgeable in the subjects being discussed, but unfortunately there are far fewer experts willing to spend there time correcting people then there are purveyors of ignorance and misinformation. This, at least to me, seems to be a problem. I've spent some time thinking about it, and I think I may have come up with something that could work. It seems like the same stuff is repeated over and over again so instead many experts addressing the same piece of misinformation over and over it seems like it would be a lot better if one or a few experts addressed it one time and then people just copied that reply over and over again. What I'm proposing is a website where experts can respond to misinformation with the understanding that other people will copy and past those responses to various places on the internet where the misinformation shows up (giving all due credit to the author of course). I'm not an expert on anything so maybe it's unfair of me to even propose something like this. There are a lot of experts on this site. What do you think? Bad idea? Good idea? Somewhere in between?

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