Error Propagation dividing

dimanche 13 juillet 2014

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

So I am calculating the error for something and I am getting really weird values.

So I know that the value for the Inductor is 24.97 +- 0.005 and that for the capacitor is 105.7+-0.0005 nf.

So I am finding the value for the resonant frequency

2. Relevant equations

f_0 = 1/(2*pi*sqrt(LC))

3. The attempt at a solution

So for the f_0 I get 3097 Hz which is very close to my experimental observations. But for the error I get:

error in LC = (1.03e-8) * sqrt((0.005/24.97)^2+(0.0005/105.7)^2) = 5.29e-13

error in LC^-.5: (19464.95)*0.5*1.03e-8/5.29e-13 = 37994

final error: 37994 * 1/(2*pi) = 6039.

Now this final value is too high, what am I doing wrong? Thanks

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