Does Course Load Really Matter for Grad School?

jeudi 30 janvier 2014

Hi, I'm a sophomore undergrad and recently I've been wondering how much weight grad schools in the sciences actually put into your "course load." I've read some conflicting views on the internet, books on grad school admissions, and faculty. The websites for some grad/professional schools list course rigor as one method of judging an applicant, but I am skeptical about those claims.

I'm taking the minimum amount of units at my school right now, 13 but it's in courses that I have had difficulty before in the past not to mention I plan on engaging in research in my department which will noticeably cut down on my time. I don't have a problem with units and graduating within 4 years; in fact, I can take the minimum amount of units per semester in my current situation and still graduate a year early. I see no point in taking extra classes for the sake increasing my unit count just to show a "full course load" when I can do research and get a job.

Should I take an extra class and potentially sacrifice my gpa or leave less time to pursue research just to say I took a "full" course load? Thanks!

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