Do 4th year marks matter for Grad school?

jeudi 30 janvier 2014

I'm in year 3 currently.

I'll be applying for grad school in the US in the fall, and based on what I've seen on the internet and heard from others, most applications are due in December, some early January. My school is on a semester system, and our fall term grades aren't made official until January.

This means I'll be applying without any 4th year grades, which I am sure is completely normal.

However, do they usually request to see your final transcript or at least fall of 4th year grades at some point down the line? Do they do this after you have been accepted?

I have no plans on slacking during my 4th year, but it puts all the more pressure on this semester's grades if they are the last ones they see...

All opinions or experiences are welcome


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