Calculating Maximum Average Power of AC Circuit

mardi 1 avril 2014

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

2. Relevant equations

3. The attempt at a solution

The text in the black box looks wrong to me. The method below is how I would do it. Why is it wrong?

$$To\quad maximize\quad power,\quad \overrightarrow { Z_{ L } } =\overrightarrow { { { Z }_{ th } }^{ * } } \\ \\ \overrightarrow { { { Z }_{ th } } } =9.412+22.35j\\ \overrightarrow { { { Z }_{ th } }^{ * } } =9.412-22.35j\\ \overrightarrow { Z_{ L } } =9.412-22.35j\\ \overrightarrow { Z_{ L } } ={ R }_{ L }+{ X }_{ L }j\\ \\ Therefore,\quad { R }_{ L }=9.412Ω$$

This is how they did it in the previous example:

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