Probability Series System Failure Rate Question

mardi 29 avril 2014

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

A circuit board has 20 integrated circuits(ic) with constant failure rate of 5 chips per million per hour (5FITs), 300 resistors(r) with a constant failure rate of 20 chips per million per 1000 hour (20 FIT), and 10 diodes(d) with a constant failure rate of 10 chips per million per 1000 hour (10 FIT). All of these components must work for the circuit to work. The circuit is connected in a series configuration. At some arbitrary time t, the circuit works properly. What is the probability that the circuit board will be working 5000 hours later?

2. Relevant equations

3. The attempt at a solution

So the probability of failures are P(ic failing)= 25/1000000 P(d fail)= 100/1000000 P(r fail)= 50/1000000. and the probability of a success is 1- (failure). In a series system, all components must succeed for the system to succeed. So just multiply the probability of successes? Does this look right? Or does the failure rate include exponential functions? (e^-lambda t). Thank you so much!

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