Inclined throw

mercredi 30 avril 2014

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

First i apologize for my english, i don't know the customary names.

A baseball player hits the ball at an angle of 300 above the horizon. it lands 100 meters away at the same height (another player catches it).

What is the velocity at the beginning?

2. Relevant equations

Constant gravitational acceleration: V=V0-gt

3. The attempt at a solution

Total time: the time needed for going up and down (i separate the movements to horizontal and vertical):

[tex]0=V_0\sin30^0-gt \rightarrow t_{tot}=gV_0[/tex]

Horizontal movement:

[tex]100=V_0\cos30^0\cdot t=0.87V_0\cdot 10V_0[/tex]

[tex]\rightarrow 100=8.7V_0 \rightarrow V_0=3.4[/tex]

The result should be 10 times faster: 34 m/sec

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