Simple Plasmid Mapping Problem

mercredi 30 avril 2014

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

Use the following data to create a plasmid map.

Number of base pairs for each restriction enzyme

A: 20

B : 11 6 3

A & B: 7 6 3

2. Relevant equations

The entries under the category "number of base pairs" could repeat themselves as they represent actual data obtained from gel electrophoresis. E.g. 11, 6, 3 could actually be 11, 6, 6, 3

3. The attempt at a solution

I believe this question is impossible due to the number "11" for restriction enzyme B. When both restriction enzymes (A and B) are applied the sequence with length 11 either remains intact or gets chopped up into pieces of length 7, 6, or 3 respectively. But there are no positive integer solutions for the equation 7x+6y+3z=11.

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