Karatsuba method

mercredi 30 avril 2014

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

For polynomials f(x),g(x) of degree d = 2(r−1)−1, check that multiplying f(x) and g(x) by the Karatsuba method requires 3(r-1) multiplications in the field F.

2. Relevant equations

You can can more clearly see problem on page 383 #10:


3. The attempt at a solution

I understand Karatsuba method is

(a1r+a0)(b1r+b0) = a1b1r2 +(a1b0+a0b1)r+a0b0

= a1b1r2 +(a1b1r+a0b0r−(a1−a0)(b1−b0)r)+a0b0

= (a0b0r+a0b0)+(a1b1r2+a1b1r)−(a1−a1)(b1−b0)r

but I do not understand how to implement this with only the degree given in the problem.

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