Transient RC circuits.

dimanche 29 décembre 2013

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

Determine the current flowing when the capacitor has been discharging for 5μs

Capacitance=400 pico farads which is charged to 10v through a 50kΩ resistor.

2. Relevant equations

Vc = ve-t/CR

3. The attempt at a solution So Vc =Ve -t/CR

-t/CR = -5*10^-6/400*10^-12*50*10^3

Which equals -0.25 so...

Vc= 10*e-0.25

Vc = 10*0.7788

Vc = 7.788 volts after 5 micro seconds

To find the current flowing after 5 micro seconds

i = Vr/R since Vr=Vc Vc/R = 7.788/50000 = 0.156mA.

Am i in the right ball park with this? Any guidance will be greatly appreciated.

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