image problem

mardi 31 décembre 2013

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

I found that the blurred image is always presented by

$$A=Ku+f$$, where u is the perfect image source, and the K is transformation (blurring, sampling)

and f is the noising . The question I want to know is how can we find such K, or f when we blurred the image , for example ,using the gaussian blurring.

In other word, I want to know how can I find K or f s.t. I can do the same effect as using the

imnoise function in matlab as gaussian blurring or ...

2. Relevant equations

I found that there are matrix related to it, where the matrix is given by h=fspecial('gaussian',256);

and it is all zeros.

3. The attempt at a solution

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