Hello, I've been wracking my brains trying to figure out how to calculate the voltage, but to no avail.
The question asks to find the voltage at node c, then it asks to find further i1, V2 and Ri. I think I can get the rest if I just figure out how to calculate Vc. I've been trying to use voltage divider equations, however, the point node c is a cross of 4 resistors so I don't think this is quite right. Could someone help please?
The question asks to find the voltage at node c, then it asks to find further i1, V2 and Ri. I think I can get the rest if I just figure out how to calculate Vc. I've been trying to use voltage divider equations, however, the point node c is a cross of 4 resistors so I don't think this is quite right. Could someone help please?
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