does science support free-will

lundi 30 décembre 2013

I am trying to see whether science supports the idea of free-will. I don’t mean the illusion of unpredictability that arises from not understanding all the variables. I mean the type of free-will where you can say ‘I want X to be at position Y at the time Z.

I am wondering whether any field of science supports this.

From my current investigations, it appears that Newtonian Physics does not allow for this because in that field everything is deterministic and is following a set of rules initiated at the big bang.

Quantum Physics also does not allow for this. Although more flexible than Newtonian physics (probabilities instead of rigid laws) Quantum physics still implies that we do not determine where a particle will appear (Probability decides) If we want the X to appear at a position with a near zero probability then we will remain wanting.

Religion says we can say where and when we want something (Mark 11:22-24 we tell the mountain to be thou removed etc) but as of yet I am struggling to find scientific theories to back up this idea. Just for the record I am not religious just looking for answers.

I will be grateful for any help with this matter.


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