A simple capacitor problem

dimanche 29 décembre 2013

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

Thin parallel plate capacitor is connected to a U=600 V current source. Find the electric current flowing in the circuit if one of the electrodes is pulled at v=6 m/s velocity. The electrodes are square (l=10 cm), the distance between them is d=1 mm.

2. Relevant equations

C=ε0[itex]\frac{A}{d+vt}[/itex], C=[itex]\frac{q}{U}[/itex], I=[itex]\frac{dq}{dt}[/itex]

3. The attempt at a solution

I tried finding the current by first expressing q from those capacitor equations and plugging it into the dq/dt equation, but there is still time t left. I am not sure if the answer depends on time or is it possible to find some constant value of I?

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