Molniya Orbit: calc angular displacement of ascending node

samedi 2 novembre 2013

Hello there :),

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

We have a molniya orbit with an eccentricity of [itex]e = 0.72[/itex] and a semi-major axis [itex]a = 26554 [km][/itex].

The task:

Calculate the angular displacement of the ascending node Ω after 100 sidereal days

2. Relevant equations

Moreover I know from Wikipedia that a molniya orbit has an inclination of [itex]i = 63.4 [deg][/itex].

3. The attempt at a solution

I considered using following formula

[tex]\Delta\Omega = - \frac{3\pi J_2 R_E^2}{a^2 (1-e^2)^2} * cos i [/tex]

But I am pretty sure it is the wrong formula, because time doesn't matter in it. (Even it has an Ω at the beginning ;)).

Hence I hope on insightful input provided by you :). Thank you for your help!


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