An explanation of a transistor

samedi 2 novembre 2013

Hey guys,

So I built a circuit a little while back using a flyback transformer and a 2n3055 transistor. Basically it just gave me a massive hi voltage output an I saw little inch long plasma arcs. If you guys need a circuit diagram, I can send you the link or just post it here. The main point of this, however, is that it got me to thinking that the transistor was the main reason why the FBT was working (since it uses a 12v DC source for current). I am just wondering if anyone can provide a good explanation for how exactly a transistor works? Or could you provide me with some recommendations for reading materials? I'm a second year physics major and I have a fairly good understanding of electrical systems, so I'm not too worried about the rigor of the reading materials, just the clarity. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!

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