Conceptual question - block and incline

vendredi 30 août 2013

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

a block of mass m = 1.62kg slides down a frictionless incline.the block is raised a height h = 3.91m above the bottom of theloop.

(a) what is the force of the inclined track on the block atthe bottom (point A)?

(b) what is the force of the track on the block at pointB?

(c) at what speed does the block leave the track?

(d) how far way from point A does the block land on levelground?

(e) sketch the potential energy U(x) of the block. indicatethe total energy on the sketch

2. Relevant equations

3. The attempt at a solution

I know how to work out this problem, but I don't understand why the force of the inclined track on the block at the bottom depends on air resistance. At the flat, bottom, the force diagram should just conclude N=mg, but I'm told there is a retarding force dependent on v as well. This retarding force seems like it should be to the left, and would have no relation to the normal force.

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