Understanding Ohm's Law

samedi 2 novembre 2013

I am confused and need advice in applying Ohm's Law (V=IR) to certain problems. The Math is okay, but the concept is what getting me confused.

Question 1:There's a scenario:Current is passing through a resistor.

(a) I am assuming current is being converted to heat as it passes through. Correct? Due to conversation of charges?

(b) Ohm's law also states that Resistance is the same.So I am understanding that, for this scenario, resistance stays the same.Therefore, for V=IR, if current is decreasing (being converted to heat), would that mean Voltage is Increasing to make for this loss? To compensate the fact that Resistance stays the same?

That part is tricking me up

Question 2: The next question applies to the following Image


Find the resistance between the following

(c)~A and B

(d)~E and D

(e)~D and C (give your reasoning)

(f)~C and B

(g)~A and E

My attempt

Well, I feel like this is a trick question.

(c) 2 ohms; Well, it is directly connected

(d) 3 ohms

(e) 10 ohms; Once again, it is directly connected. But I am pretty sure my teacher won't accept that reasoning

(f) This: I completely do not know. It can go any of the three routes: 6, 12,4 Ohms.

(g) No clue.

Question 3 Why do the terminals of a battery have to be connected together before current flows?

My reasoning: Since a battery produces an electrical pressure, the charges build up on one end of the terminal. Therefore, it needs a path to go to the oppositely charged end. This, in turn, would then produce a current.

Is that right?

Question 4 This pertains to the following image.


Scenario: There is an excess positive charge at the "High Potential Region" The left end of the wire is held at a negative potential. Draw the arrows on the following diagram to show where the positive charges go.

my attempt

I am assuming this means draw the current. Is my work correct?


Question 5

Draw the arrows besides the resistors to denote the direction of conventional current through the resistors. Also, Explain why the arrows point in the way that you have drawn


Attempt I think this was Easy but I cannot be so sure. :] The arrows point that way is because by convention, the current is drawn from a voltage drop.

My reasoning, I am not so sure.


Thanks for the help in advance. I hope the pictures weren't too blurry. Not everyone can afford an iphone Xd

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