Find the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian - Harmonic Oscillator

samedi 2 novembre 2013

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

Find the eigenvalues of the following Hamiltonian.

[itex]Ĥ = ħwâ^{†}â + \alpha(â + â^{†}) , \alpha \in |R[/itex]

2. Relevant equations



3. The attempt at a solution

By applying the Hamiltonian to a random state n I get:

[itex]Ĥ |\phi_{n}> = E_{n}|\phi_{n}>[/itex]

[itex]Ĥ |\phi_{n}>= ħwâ^{†}â|\phi_{n}> + \alpha(â|\phi_{n}> + â^{†}|\phi_{n}>) [/itex]

[itex]Ĥ |\phi_{n}>= ħw\sqrt{n}\sqrt{n}|\phi_{n}> + \alpha(\sqrt{n}|\phi_{n-1}> + \sqrt{n+1}|\phi_{n+1}> )[/itex]

[itex]E_{n} |\phi_{n}> = ħwn + \alpha(\sqrt{n}|\phi_{n-1}> + \sqrt{n+1}|\phi_{n+1}>) [/itex]

This is where my problem arrives. I don't know how to prove that

[itex]\alpha(\sqrt{n}|\phi_{n-1}> + \sqrt{n+1}|\phi_{n+1}>) = 0[/itex]

Any help would be highly appreciated!


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