Where to look for physics internships

samedi 2 novembre 2013

I'm a first year physics student at the University of Tennessee, and if it is possible, I'd love to be able to do research this upcoming summer. I understand that odds are definitely against me, but I still want to try, and if anything I will gain experience searching for internships and research opportunities. I'm interested in astrophysics but I'd be up for research really in any area.

I understand that by this upcoming summer, I won't know that much physics, so I'm not expecting for any sure fire answers. My professor told me that I'd likely have the best chance of doing research by finding another professor willing to take me on. I have yet to talk to my advisor, but he does research at Oak Ridge and he's an astronomer, so I'll likely talk to him about it when I have an advising session.

If anyone has suggestions on places or people I should look into, let me know!

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