Thevenin Potential

jeudi 28 novembre 2013

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

Hey guys,

There is an example in the textbook regarding simplifying the frequency model of a BJT amplifier. It ends up determining the potential across the highlighted resistor I attached. The formula that the textbook is rather different than the one I determined to be the Thevenin, and hence I am looking for some sort of explanation. I plugged in some values to determine if they were equivalent, and they were close, but not exact. I believe there was approximatedly 0.0016 V difference for the particular values I had chosen. The textbook gives


I do not understand how they ended up with [itex]R_1//R_3[/itex]. I analyzed the circuit two different ways. I used potential dividers and I also determined the current passing through that leg. Each time my results were vastly different; however, they do give the same results upon evaluation.

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