stay or go back to home country?

samedi 2 novembre 2013

I am at a point where I have to decide what I want to do at this point in my life.

I am currently finishing a Masters program and I am doing quite well with my research and school. I see myself going to Academia or industry here in US.

As much as I like this country and however hard I think about it, I don't see myself living here. I see myself being happy in my home country. This has been a thought that has been haunting me for a long time.

My parents are quite opposed to it and so are my friends who think it is quite a waste of my degree. I am not even sure if I will get a job of my field in my home country.

Of course, I am not asking for people to tell me what to do but I want to see if people could share similar experiences or things I should consider.



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