
samedi 2 novembre 2013

Hi, I'm new to this forum and I could use some help. I'm a freshman in highschool and for a school project, we have to make a magazine. My group and I are doing a tech and general science magazine. I'm writing a feature story on metamaterials, and a future where they are abundant. We need contacts and quotes from people that about the subject, and the people who I emailed last week still haven't responded, so I'm in a bindbecause they're due on Monday. I know its a really broad subject, but I think it could be an interesting article. The questions are below. If possible, could you put your name (it can be fake, we just need it for the magazine), and your relation to the subject (researcher, student, enthusiast, etc.). You don't need to answer all of the questions, or any of them. Thanks so much, this really helps.

1. In what ways can meta-materials change the world around us?

2. When do you think meta-materials will make the transition from labs to day to day life?

3. What industry do you think will benefit most from the development of meta-materials and why?

4. What does the average consumer need to know about meta-materials?

5. I know that meta-materials can be used to make light bend around objects causing them to appear invisible, do you think that invisible objects will ever be available to general consumers, why or why not?

6. At this point, is it very expensive to produce meta-materials? Could you see the cost dropping in the near future?

7. Who is taking more interest in meta-materials, the military (for the prospect of invisible equipment), or the tech industry (lightning fast computers with no heat)?

8. How do meta-materials work?

9. How much labor goes into the production of meta-materials, if it isn’t already, could the process be mechanized?

10. Once meta-materials graduate from labs into the real world, will the average person notice a difference in his life?


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