laser, polarization, radiation

jeudi 28 novembre 2013

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

A powerful research laser produces pulses of light, wavelength 527nm, containing 300j of energy in 1.0x10^-9 seconds. and concentrated into an area with diameter 1.0x10^-4 m.

Assume that the pulse is uniform over its area and uniform in time over its nanosecond duration, and that it is polarized in the x-direction and is travelling in the +y-direction through a vacuum.

Calculate all of the following quantities, which specify the radiation during the pulse: ω, kx, ky, kz, E0x,E0y, E0z, B0x, B0y and B0z

2. Relevant equations

k= nω/c

3. The attempt at a solution

Unsure which equations I need and how to begin

any help would be much appreciated


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