I know it wasn't ET. What did I see?

samedi 2 novembre 2013

When I was a kid, sometime between 1965, and say, 1969, I saw a thing in the sky. It was a large, pink cloud, with a diameter of two to three times the moon, which became more purple over time. It was completely circular, with clear edge delineation. Later, bright lights approached and circled it. I remember the lights seemed to me to be aircraft, though the apparent distance was so great that no details could be made out. I saw this from New Orleans, in a generally eastern direction.

It was visible for at least an hour, and other people saw it. In fact, many others, because I found it so extraordinary that besides dragging my mother out to see it, I also bothered my neighbors to the same end. I stopped several cars, as well. Everyone was mystified.

I know it wasn't some sort of high altitude nuclear test; the last one I know of occurred on 11/1/62, when I would have been two years old. I remember the event way too clearly for that to have been what I saw. And yet, it's the best explanation I have for the appearance of what I saw. None of the adults I showed it to had an explanation, though all seemed uncomfortable. In remember thinking that their attitudes meant they were trying to protect me from a harsh truth, which, growing up with the bomb, made me think it was nuclear.

Finally, there was a photograph and an official explanation on the front page of the Times-Picayune the next day. What drives me crazy is that, I can't remember what that was, can't find anyone else who remembers, and can't track down the newspaper for that day.

Can anyone help me figure this out?

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