collision of the Halley asteroid with a comet

dimanche 3 novembre 2013

1. The problem statement

a comet gets in the way of the Halley asteroid, so the question is: what's the new trajectory of the asteroid (its excentricity, its orbital rotation and it perihelion, aphelion)

both objects have same mass and we suppose that the comet have an negilgeable initial velocity.

all variables and given/known data

what we know is :both objects have same mass M=2.2*10^14 kg

the coefficient of restitution during collision is: 0.5

orbital period of Halley's asteroid: T=75.3 years

initial perihelion: 0.586 AU

initial excentricity: 0.967

2. Relevant equations

the kepler third law

conservation of angular momentum

relation between energy and excentricity equation and trajectory of asteroid are attached

3. The attempt at a solution

my attempts are to use the conservation of energy and angular momentum but i didn't know how to get the parameters of the trajectory from.

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