Blocks on an Incline

dimanche 3 novembre 2013

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

Consider the following two scenarios with the same box sliding up two differently inclined ramps. The coefficient of static friction is 0.7, the coefficient of kinetic friction 0.5. Eventually, the box will stop. Up to what maximum angle of the incline (in degrees) would it not slide back down?

2. Relevant equations

sin = o/h

cos= a/h

tan= o/a

3. The attempt at a solution

cos-1 (.7/.5) = error

cos-1 (.5/.7)= 44.41 = wrong

cos-1 (.4) = 66.42= wrong

cos-1 (1) = 0 so I thought it could also equal 360 so I added 360+66.42 = 426.42 = wrong

sin-1 (.7/.5)= error

sin-1 (.5/.7) =45.58 (I think its wrong)

tan-1 (.7/.5) = 54.46 = wrong

tan-1 (.5/.7)= 35.53 = scared to try to see if its wrong


Attached Images

File Type: gif incline4.gif (36.9 KB)
File Type: gif incline5.gif (23.4 KB)

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