1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data
"How does air resistance affect terminal velocity"
2. Relevant equations
3. The attempt at a solution
I know most of the answer of this, however I am just wondering say take a parachutist for example, if the air resistance is the resultant force, then in order to reach terminal velocity the parachutist would have to decelerate until the air resistance=weight and hence terminal velocity is achieved, is this correct?
"How does air resistance affect terminal velocity"
2. Relevant equations
3. The attempt at a solution
I know most of the answer of this, however I am just wondering say take a parachutist for example, if the air resistance is the resultant force, then in order to reach terminal velocity the parachutist would have to decelerate until the air resistance=weight and hence terminal velocity is achieved, is this correct?
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