Advice on majoring

samedi 2 novembre 2013

Hello, new here to PF. Just wanted to know if I could get some advice about my major next fall. I am a senior in high school and plan on going to West Virginia Tech after high school. I know that I want to major in Electrical Engineering, but am kind of torn between a double major with Computer Engineering, Mathematics, or a triple major in all three. I am in the top of my Calculus 1 class right now with like a 98% and am taking Calculus 2 next semester (these are taught by the local college). I really enjoy the Calculus and think that I might like to major in mathematics. I also really think that Computer Engineering would be interesting as well as have a lot of overlap with Electrical Engineering, so I am really not sure what to do. I plan to go to graduate school for Electrical Engineering as well. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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