1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data
A 4.50x10^5kg space platform is speeding up from 2.300x10^3m/s to 2.600x10^3mls because a rocket fires with a thrust of 138kN in space. How long must the rock fire to do this?
2. Relevant equations
3. The attempt at a solution
I have tried to find acceleration so I could find the time.
I have attempted to use the equation F=ma+mg to isolate for a but could not.
A 4.50x10^5kg space platform is speeding up from 2.300x10^3m/s to 2.600x10^3mls because a rocket fires with a thrust of 138kN in space. How long must the rock fire to do this?
2. Relevant equations
3. The attempt at a solution
I have tried to find acceleration so I could find the time.
I have attempted to use the equation F=ma+mg to isolate for a but could not.
via Physics Forums RSS Feed http://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=719659&goto=newpost
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