Is kinematics/dynamics an everyday part of the job?

mercredi 30 octobre 2013

I'm a math major currently in calc 3, and I'm also taking my first ever physics class. I've always had a very strong interest in physics from pop-sci books and Feynman's lectures, and I fantasized about doing some work in physics, possibly even changing majors. The problem I find myself having is I find this physics class to be incredibly boring. It is an 8:00 am class and my teacher doesn't exactly get me excited for her lectures, and I just do not find this class to be enjoyable at all. I also don't think I'm very good at it, average at best.

So, getting to the point, is this stuff crucial to every physicist all of the time, regardless of their field? Does it get better/more interesting? Is the fact that I'm not enjoying this class a sign that I probably do not have a future in physics? Or is it one of those classes that you just have to get through in order to get to the good stuff?

Also I'm taking a pretty heavy course load and do not have the time to really dedicate to learning the material as deeply as I should, and as long as I survive the rest of this semester I'm going to take it a little easier on myself in the spring when I take physics II. Hopefully it won't be as bad.

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