Thinking about second Bachelors degree in Computer Engineering

mercredi 28 août 2013

Hello, I would like some advice on getting a second Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering. I currently have a Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering. I should've gone for a C.E. degree since it was only 16 more credits but I didn't think it would matter much, so I didn't.

Now I'm thinking about getting a second Bachelor's degree in C.E. but I'm currently working on a Masters in Electrical Engineering. If I do go for this 2nd Bachelors I will be doing it after I complete my Masters. The problem I see is that people (particularly employers) might wonder why I didn't go for a Masters in C.E. instead of a Bachelors. I really don't want to go for another Master's degree because of the cost and amount of work involved. I think getting an undergraduate in C.E. would work for me because I'm looking for some academic knowledge in C.E. Also, I already have some experience in C.E. but I just want the academic backing of a degree. I really don't know if I will work as a Computer Engineer but I like the subject so I want to get a degree in it as a back up.

Any thoughts and/or advice?

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