Considering childhood dream to become a physicist (soft question).

jeudi 18 septembre 2014

Hello everyone,

I'll start by saying I initially joined this forum to ask this question, because I thought the advice given here would be far more useful and respected than on Yahoo answers or similar. I'm sorry if it doesn't fit in right and I hope I don't offend anyone. I'm a bit lost and could use the guidance of people who know what they're talking about. The internet is my only option at the moment!

I'm 23 years old. I have been fascinated with space and had a natural curiosity for math since I was too young to fully understand either. Unfortunately I spent my vital teenage years drinking, playing video games and being lazy, because I'd left Christianity at 16 and felt very lost for years. By the time I understood myself, it was way too late, and I was in a dead end job before I knew it (where I still am).

I don't want to spend my whole life like this. I want to learn again, from the ground up if I have to. I'm just worried I'm too old; if it's even worth it now. I don't want to delve into realizing a dream if It's just going to end up in ruins because I waited too long to do it.

I'm motivated by my present situation. I'm no longer lazy, and I'm willing to put in the work. I'm no dunce but I'm no genius, either. I'm just a bit lost and could use some professional guidance. I wake up every morning yearning to understand and learn, and lamenting my past choices.

Does anyone here have a similar experience? Am I too late, is there any point?

I apologize if this is inappropriate to post, again I wasn't sure where else to ask to get an honest, educated answer. I plan on continuing my membership either way. Thank you.

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